
About me

win98 win98

Microsoft(R) Windows 98
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1996


win98 win98

Rental Website


Modern POS


Discord Message Stats


Digital Album


Delivery Game






POS System


Block Breaker


Robot Navigation System


Contact me

win98 win98

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LastFM Rich Presence

This project introduces rich presence to discord from the LastFM API. I initially built it with Python by web scraping the lastFM website. I then rewrote it with Python for the backend and Electron for the frontend, using the LastFM API. Eventually, I completely rewrote the project to javascript and electron for convenience.

  • Javascript
  • Electron
  • Python
  • Flask API

Discord Message Stats

This project was made as a biproduct when I was trying to train an AI chatbot on my discord messages. It is written entirely in Python and uses the Pandas, Plotly, and Dash libraries to sort and display data.

  • Python
  • Data Analysis

Digital Album

I made this project as a unique gift. It is a digital photo album that displays a slideshow of photos and videos. I repurposed an old ipad generation one I was not using and programmed a raspberry pi 3B to run the slideshow. It is integrated with a discord bot that allows me to add photos and videos to the album from anywhere. It is entirely written in Python

  • Python
  • Discord Library
  • Raspberry pi

Block Breaker

This is a simple block breaker game I made in Unity using C#. I made this to learn the basics of game development. The general premise of the game is to break all the blocks/get a high score in the game.

  • C#
  • Unity
  • Game Development

Delivery Game

This is a delivery game I developed in Unity to enhance my Game Development skills. The general idea of the game is to deliver packages to customers while avoiding obstacles.

  • C#
  • Unity
  • Game Development

Robot Navigation System

For my Robotics module in university, I developed a robot navigation system using RobotC. The system would take input from a user and navigate the robot to the desired location, while avoiding obstacles in the way.

  • RobotC
  • Robotics

POS System

A point of sale system developed with Winforms using C#.

  • Login function
  • Discount functions
  • Quantity functions
  • Product information retrieved from database [SQL]
  • Transactions are logged to another databse [SQL]

Modern POS System

A modernised point of sale system ported from winforms to WPF. Uses C# for the backend

  • In Development


A property/vehicle rental website developed using HTML & PHP.

  • HTML & PHP
  • SQL Database
  • Login Functionality
  • Messaging Functionality


In "Scai," you awaken with no memory, armed only with a dinky old van and a torn journal containing a map with crossed-out locations. Your quest? To travel to every location on the map and make enough money for gas. But there's a catch – the quota of money you need to make increases daily.

  • Godot game engine
  • Generative AI powered NPCs
  • Rogue-Like
  • Winner of "Best Use Of AI"
  • Winner of "Best Trailer"

Huawei Tech Arena

I participated in the Huawei Tech Arena Hackathon with the objective of processing natural language into SQL Query. We decided to use a pre-trained huggingface model to turn natural language into SQL, and implemented safety features so the AI can not destroy the database by accident. We then used another model to turn the SQL result into natural language

  • Huggingface
  • SQL
  • Modelarts and Google Colab
  • Collaboration

Workday x CS++ Hackathon

Using C# and the Unity Engine, I developed an educational game that rewarded study and education. Our team was recognized for creating an educational game and we were presented with a certificate of commendation for an innovative concept

  • Unity Game Engine
  • Collaboration
  • Fast paced development

Google Developer Student Club

Selected as a GDSC lead on my campus. Responsible for organizing events, workshops, and speakers.

  • Leadership
  • Collaboration
  • Planning
  • Marketing